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Sutton MA, Pitcairn CER, Fowler D. The exchange of ammonia between the atmosphere and plant communities. Advances in Ecological Research. 1993 ;24:301-393.
Sutton MA, Place CJ, Eager M, Fowler D, Smith RI. Assessment of the magnitude of ammonia emissions in the United Kingdom. Atmospheric Environment. 1995 ;29:1393-1411.
Sutton MA, Milford C, Dragosits U, Place CJ, Singles RJ, Smith RI, Pitcairn CER, Fowler D, Hill J, ApSimon HM, et al. Dispersion, deposition and impacts of atmospheric ammonia: quantifying local budgets and spatial variability. Environmental Pollutution (Nitrogen Conference Special Issue). 1998 ;102:349-361.
Sutton MA, Dragosits U, Tang YS, Fowler D. Ammonia emissions from non-agricultural sources in the UK. Atmospheric Environment. 2000 ;34:855 - 869.
Sutton MA, Fowler D. Estimating the relative contribution of SOx�, NOx and NHx inputs to effects of atmospheric deposition. London: HMSO; 1993 pp. 119-126.
Sutton MA, Dragosits U, Fowler D, Place CJ. A preliminary map of the distribution of methane emissions from livestock sources in Great Britain. Edinburgh: ITE Edinburgh; 1996.
Sutton MA, Fowler D. Estimating the relative contribution of SOx, NOy and NHx inputs to effects of atmospheric deposition. London: HMSO; 1993.
Sutton MA, Pitcairn CER, Leith ID, van Dijk N, Tang YS, Skiba U, Smart S, Mitchell R, Wolseley P, James P, et al. Bioindicator and biomonitoring methods for assessing the effects of atmospheric nitrogen on statutory nature conservation sites. (Sutton MA, Pitcairn CER, Whitfield CP). Peterborough; 2004.
Sutton MA, Moncrieff JB, Fowler D. Deposition of Atmospheric Ammonia to Moorlands. Environmental Pollution. 1992 ;75:15-24.
Sutton MA, D. F. Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen compounds to heathlands. Aarhus Geoscience . 1995 ;4:61-71.
Sutton MA, Milford C, Nemitz E, Theobald MR, D. F, Schjoerring JK, Mattsson ME, Nielsen KH, Husted S, Erisman JW, et al. Biosphere-atmosphere interactions of ammonia with grasslands: experimental strategy and results from a new European initiative. Plant and Soil . 2001 ;228 (1):131-145.
Sutton MA, Leith ID, Bealey WJ, van Dijk N, Tang YS. Moninea Bog - Case study of atmospheric ammonia impacts on a Special Area of Conservation. In: In: Hicks, W.K.; Whitfield, C.P.; Bealey, W.J.; Sutton, M.A., (eds.) Nitrogen deposition and Natura 2000: Science and practice in determining environmental impacts. In: Hicks, W.K.; Whitfield, C.P.; Bealey, W.J.; Sutton, M.A., (eds.) Nitrogen deposition and Natura 2000: Science and practice in determining environmental impacts. COST Office - European Cooperation in Science and Technology,.; 2011. pp. 59-71.
Sutton MA, Reis S, Baker SMH. Atmospheric Ammonia - Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Springer eBooks; 2009.