APIS Bibliography

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Press MC, Fergusson P, Lee JA. Two hundred years of acid rain. Naturalist. 1983 ;108:125-129.
Greenup AL, Bradford MA, McNamara NP, Ineson P, Lee JA. The role of Eriophorum vaginatum in CH4 flux from an ombitrophic peatland. . Plant and Soil. 2000 ;227:265-272.
Potter L, Foot JP, Caporn SJM, Lee JA. Responses of four Sphagnum species to acute ozone fumigation. Journal Bryology . 1996 ;19:19-32.
Berendse F, van Breeman N, Rydin H, Buttler A, Heijmans M, Hoosbeek MR, Lee JA, Mitchel E, Saarinen T, Vasander H, et al. Raised atmospheric CO2 levels and increased N deposition cause shifts in plant species composition and production in Sphagnum bogs. Global Change Biology . 2001 ;7:591-598.
Ferguson NP, Lee JA. Past and present sulphur pollution in the southern Pennines. Atmospheric Environment. Atmospheric Environment . 1983 ;17:1131-1137.
Woodin SJ, Press MC, Lee JA. Nitrate reductase activity in Sphagnum fuscum in relation to atmospheric nitrate deposition. New Phytologist . 1985 ;99:381-388.
Carroll JA, Caporn SJM, Johnson D, Morecroft MD, Lee JA. The interactions between plant growth, vegetation structure and soil processes in semi-natural acidic and calcareous grasslands receiving long-term inputs of simulated pollutant nitrogen deposition. Environmental Pollution. 2003 ;121(3).
Ferguson NP, Lee JA. The growth of Sphagnum species in the southern Pennines. Journal Bryology . 1983 ;12:579-586.
Jonsdottir IS, Callaghan TV, Lee JA. Fate of added nitrogen in a moss sedge arctic community and effects of increased nitrogen deposition. Science of the Total Environment . 1995 ;161:677-685.
Morecroft MD, Skellers EK, Lee JA. An experimental investigation into the effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on two semi-natural grasslands. Journal of Ecology . 1994 ;82:475-483.
Foot JP, Lee JA, Caporn SJM, Ashenden TW. Evidence that ozone exposure increases the susceptibility of plants to natural frosting episodes. New Phytologist . 1997 ;135:369-374.
Ferguson NP, Lee JA, Bell JNB. Effects of sulphur pollutants on the growth of Sphagnum species. Environmental Pollution. 1978 ;16:151-162.
Johnson D, Leake JR, Lee JA. The effects of quantity and duration of simulated pollutant nitrogen deposition on root-surface phosphatase activities in Calcareous and acid grasslands: a bioassay approach. New Phytol. 1999 ;141:433-442.
Morgan SM, Lee JA, Ashenden TW. Effects of Nitrogen-Oxides on Nitrate Assimilation in Bryophytes. New Phytologist. 1992 ;120:89-97.
Phoenix GK, Booth RE, Leake JR, Read DJ, Grime JP, Lee JA. Effects of enhanced nitrogen deposition and phosphorus limitation on nitrogen budgets of semi-natural grasslands. Global Change Biology. 2003 ;9:1309-1321.
Caporn SJM, Song W, Read DJ, Lee JA. The effect of repeated N fertlization on mye infection in heather (Calluna vulgaris (L) Hull). New Phytol. 1995 ;129:605-609.
Foot JP, Caporn SJM, Lee JA, Ashenden TW. The effect of long-term ozone fumigation on the growth, physiology and frost sensitivity of Calluna vulgaris. New Phytologist . 1996 ;133:503-511.
Carroll JA, Johnson D, Morecroft MD, Taylor AG, Caporn SJM, Lee JA. The effect of long-term nitrogen additions on the bryophyte cover of upland acidic grassland. Journal Bryology . 2000 ;22:83-89.
Potter L, Foot JP, Caporn SJM, Lee JA. The effect of long-term elevated ozone concentrations on the growth and photosynthesis of Sphagnum recurvum and Polytrichum commune. New Phytologist. 1996 ;134:649-656.
Carroll JA, Caporn SJM, Cawley L, Read DJ, Lee JA. The effect of increased deposition of atmospheric N on Cv in upland Britain. . New Phytol. 1999 ;141:423-431.
