APIS Bibliography

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Jones L, Provins A, Harper-Simmonds L, Holland M, Mills G, Hayes F, Emmett BA, Hall J, Sheppard LG, Smith R, et al. A review and application of the evidence for nitrogen impacts on ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services. 2014 ;7:76-88.
Hayes F, Jones MLM, Mills G, Ashmore M. Meta-analysis of the relative sensitivity of semi-natural vegetation species to ozone. Environmental Pollution. 2007 ;146:754-762.
Bobbink R, Hicks K, Galloway J, Spranger T, Alkemade R, Ashmore M, Bustamante M, Cinderby S, Davidson E, Dentener F, et al. Global assessment of nitrogen deposition effects on terrestrial plant diversity: a synthesis. Ecological Applications. 2010 ;20(1):30-59.
Toet S, Ineson P, Peacock S, Ashmore M. Elevated ozone reduces methane emissions from peatland mesocosms. Global Change Biology. 2011 ;17(1):288-296.
Wedlich KV, Rintoul N, Peacock S, Cape NJ, Coyle M, Toet S, Barnes J, Ashmore M. Effects of ozone on species composition in an upland grassland. Oecologia. 2012 ;168:1137-1146.
Hayes F, Mills G, Ashmore M. Effects of ozone on inter- and intra-species competition and photosynthesis in mesocosms of Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens. Environmental Pollution. 2009 ;157(1):208-214.