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Mitchell R, Truscot A, Leith I, Cape J, van Dijk N, Tang Y, Fowler D, Sutton MA. A study of the epiphytic communities of Atlantic oak woods along an atmospheric nitrogen deposition gradient. Journal of Ecology . 2005 ;93:482-492.
Sheppard LJ, Leith ID, Crossley A, van Dijk N, Fowler D, Sutton MA, Woods C. Stress responses of Calluna vulgaris to reduced and oxidised N applied under 'real world conditions'. Environmental Pollution. 2008 ;154:404-413.
Sheppard LJ, Leith ID, Crossley A, van Dijk N, Fowler D, Sutton MA, Woods C. Stress responses of Calluna vulgaris to reduced and oxidised N applied under real world conditions. Environmental Pollution. 2008 ;154 (3):404-413.
Skiba U, Sozanska M, Metcalfe S, Fowler D. Spatially disaggregated inventories of soil NO and N2O emissions for Great Britain. Water Air & Soil Pollution. 2001 ;(1):109 – 118.
Skiba U, Sheppard LJ, Pitcairn CER, Leith ID, Crossley A, van Dijk S, Kennedy VJ, Fowler D. Soil nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions as indicators of the exceedance of critical loads of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in semi-natural ecosystems. Environmental Pollution. 1998 ;102(S1):457-461.
Jones MR, Raven JA, Leith ID, Cape JN, Smith RI, Fowler D. Short-term flux chamber experiment to quantify the deposition of gaseous 15N-NH3 to Calluna vulgaris. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, . 2008 ;148 (6-7):893-901.
