APIS Bibliography

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Lima AR, Curtis C, Hammermeister DE, Markee TP, Northcott CE, Brooke LT. Acute and chronic toxicities of arsenic (III) to fathead minnows, flagfish, daphnids and an amphipod. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1984 ;(13):595-601.
Usher (E)MB. Action for Scotland's Biodiversity. 1999 .
Battarbee RW. The acidification of Scottish lochs. Geographical Journal . 1989 ;155:353-360.
Hogg P, Squires P, Fitter AH. Acidification, Nitrogen Deposition and Rapid Vegetational Change in a Small Valley Mire in Yorkshire. Biological Conservation. 1995 ;71.
Mason CF, Macdonald SM. Acidification and Otter (Lutra-Lutra) Distribution in Scotland. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1989 ;43:365-374.
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Borer CH, Schaberg PG, DeHayes DH. Acidic mist reduces foliar membrane-associated calcium and impairs stomatal responsiveness in red spruce,. Tree Physiology. 2005 ;25(6):673-680.
Caporn SJM, Cockerill GJ, Lee JA. Acidic Deposition, its nature and impacts, Glasgow Conference Abstracts. Effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on upland Calluna vulgaris. 1990 :113.
Drent PJ, Woldendorp JW. Acid rain and eggshells. Nature. 1989 ;339:431.
Wilkinson JM, Hill J, Hillman JP. The accumulation of potentially toxic elements in edible body tissues of lambs grazing after a single application of sewage sludge. Water Research. 2003 ;(37):128-138.
Gstoettner EM, Fisher NS. Accumulation of cadmium, chromium and zinc by the moss Sphagnum papillosum Lindle. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 1997 ;(93):321-330.
Bossuyt B, De Fré B, Hoffmann M. Abundance and flowering succes patterns in a short-term grazed grassland: early evidence of facilitation. Journal of Ecology . 2005 ;93 :1104-1114.
Zhou Q, Foy RH, Gibson CE. 2000Long-term changes of nitrogen and phosphorus loadings to a large lake in North-west Ireland. Water Research. 2000 ;34:922-926.
Book Chapter
Chaney RL. Zinc Phytotoxicity. In: In A. D. Robson Proceedings of the International Symposium on Zinc in Soil and Plants. In A. D. Robson Proceedings of the International Symposium on Zinc in Soil and Plants. University of Western Australia: Kluwer; 1993. pp. 135-150.
Guderian R. UNECE Critical Levels Workshop Proceedings. In: Bad Harzburg; 1998. pp. 79-104.
Hoosebeak MR, van Breeman N, Wallen B, Rydin H, Lee JA, Sivola J, Vasander H, Berendse F, Grosvernier P, Sutton (E)MA, et al. Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe: successes, challenges and policy. In: Brussels.: Directorate-General for Research; 2001.
Dragosits U, Dore AJ, Sheppard LJ, Vieno M, Tang YS, Theobald MR, Sutton MA. Sources, dispersion and fate of atmospheric ammonia. In: In: Hatfield, J.L.; Follett, R.F., (eds.) Nitrogen in the Environment - Sources, Problems, and Management. Academic Press, . In: Hatfield, J.L.; Follett, R.F., (eds.) Nitrogen in the Environment - Sources, Problems, and Management. Academic Press, . ; 2008. pp. 333-393.
Wilson EJ, Skeffington, R.A., Downer CJ, Maltby E, Immirzi P, Swanston C. Setting critical loads for dystrophic peat - a new approach. In: Acid Rain and its Impact: The Critical Loads Debate. Acid Rain and its Impact: The Critical Loads Debate. ; 1994.
Rennenberg H, Herschbach C. Responses of plants to atmospheric sulphur. In: Plant response to air pollution. Plant response to air pollution. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons; 1996. pp. 285-294.
