APIS Bibliography

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Gorham E. Acid rain: an overview. In: Meteorological aspects of acid rain. Meteorological aspects of acid rain. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1984. pp. 1-18.
Lima AR, Curtis C, Hammermeister DE, Markee TP, Northcott CE, Brooke LT. Acute and chronic toxicities of arsenic (III) to fathead minnows, flagfish, daphnids and an amphipod. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1984 ;(13):595-601.
Dohmen GP, McNeill S, Bell JNB. Air pollution increases Aphis fabae pest potential. Nature. 1984 ;307:52-53.
Okano K, Ito O, Takeba G, Shimizu A, Totsuka T. Alteration of C-13 assimilate partitioning in plants of Phaseolus vulgaris exposed to ozone. New Phytologist. 1984 ;97:155-163.
EPA US. Ambient Water Quality Criteria for copper. Washington, DC: Environmental Protection Agency; 1984.
Battarbee RW. Diatom analysis and the acidification of lakes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B. 1984 ;305:451-477.
Gorham E, Bayley SE, Schindler DW. Ecological Effects of acid deposition upon peatlands: a nelected field in ‘acid rain’ research. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 1984 ;41(8):1256-1268.
Abrahamsen G. Effects of acidic deposition on forest soils and vegetation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B. 1984 ;305:369-382.
Stoner JH, Gee AS, Wade KR. The effects of acidification on the ecology of streams in the upper Tywi catchment in west Wales. . Environmental Pollution (series A). 1984 ;35(125-157).
Alscher R. Effects of SO2 on light-modulated enzyme reactions. In: Gaseous Air Pollutants and Plant Metabolism. Gaseous Air Pollutants and Plant Metabolism. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd ; 1984.
Fields RD, StClair LL. The effects of SO2 on photosynthesis and carbohydrate transfer in the two Lichens: Collema polycarpon and Parmelia chlorochroa. American Journal of Botany. 1984 ;71(7):986-998.
Robertson JS. Key to the Common Plant Communities of Scotland. Soil Survey of Scotland Monograph. . 1984 .
Mason PA, Wilson J, Last FT. Mycorrhizal fungi of Betula spp.: factors affecting their occurrence. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 1984 ;85B:141-151.
Foy CD. Physiological effects of hydrogen, aluminum, and manganese toxicities in acid soil. In: Soil Acidity and Liming. Soil Acidity and Liming. Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy; 1984. pp. 57-97.
Kabata-Pendias A, Pendias H. Trace elements in soils and plants. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press; 1984.
Weaver RW, Melton JR, Wang D, Duble RL. Uptake of arsenic and mercury from soil by Bermuda grass Cynodon dactylon. Environmental Pollution. 1984 ;(33):133-142.
Rippey B, Gibson CE. The variation of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium concentration, pH and conductivity in lakes in Northern Ireland. . Archiv fur Hydrobiologie . 1984 ;101:345-360.
