APIS Bibliography

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Smart SM, Ashmore MR, Hornung M. Detecting the signal of atmospheric N deposition in recent national-scale vegetation change across Britain. Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus. 2004 ;4:269–278.
Paulissen MPCP, van der Ven PJM, Dees AJ, Bobbink R. Differential effects of nitrate and ammonium on three fen bryophyte species in relation to pollutant nitrogen input. New Phytologist. 2004 ;164:451-458.
Bignal K, Ashmore M, Power S. The Ecological Effects of Diffuse Air Pollution from Road Transport. Peterborough: English Nature; 2004.
Sheppard LI, Leith ID, Crossley A. Effects of enhanced N deposition on Cladonia portentosa; results from a field manipulation study. Peterborough: English Nature; 2004 pp. 51-62.
Mitchell RJ, Truscott AM, Leith ID, Cape JN, van Dijk N, Tang YS, Fowler D, Sutton MA. Growth and tissue nitrogen of epiphytic Atlantic bryophytes: effects of increased and decreased atmospheric N deposition. Functional Ecology. 2004 ;18:322-329.
Gunnarsson U, Granberg G, Nilsson M. Growth, production and interspecific competition in Sphagnum: effects of temperature, nitrogen and sulphur treatments on a boreal mire. New Phytologist. 2004 ;163(2):349-359.
Stevens CJ, Dise NB, Mountford JO, Gowing DJ. Impact of nitrogen deposition on the species richness of grasslands. Science. 2004 ;303(5665):1876-1879.
UNECE. Manual on methodologies and criteria for modelling and mapping critical loads and levels and air pollution effects risks, and trends,. Berlin, Germany: UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution; 2004 p. 202. Available from: http://www.rivm.nl/en/themasites/icpmm/manual-and-downloads/manual-english/index.html
Teien HC, Standring WJF, Salbu B, Marskar M, Kroglund F, Hindar A. Mobilization of aluminium and deposition on fish gills during sea salt episodes - catchment liming as countermeasure. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 2004 ;6:196-200.
Wilson LJ, Bacon PJ, Bull J, Dragosits U, Blackall TD, Dunn TE, Hamer KC, Sutton MA, Wanless S. Modelling the spatial distribution of ammonia emissions from seabirds in the UK. Environmental Pollution. 2004 ;131(2):173-185.
Rinnan R, Holopainen T. Ozone effects on the ultrastructure of peatland plants: Sphagnum mosses, Vaccinium oxycoccus, Andromeda polifolia and Eriophorum vaginatum. Annals of Botany. 2004 ;94:623-634.
Leith ID, Sheppard LJ, Fowler D, Cape JN, Jones MR, Crossley A, Hargreaves KJ, Tang YS, Theobald MR, Sutton MA. Quantifying dry NH3 release system to ombrotrophic bog from an automated NH3 field release system. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus. 2004 ;4:207-218.
Walker KJ, Stevens PA, Stevens DA, Mountford JO, Manchester SJ, Pywell RF. The restoration and re-creation of species-rich lowland grassland on land formerly managed for intensive agriculture in the UK. Biological Conservation. 2004 ;119(1):1-18.
Vingarzan R. A review of surface ozone background levels and trends. Atmospheric Environment. 2004 ;38:3431-3442.
Riikonen J, Lindsberg MM, Holopainen T, Oksanen E, Lappi J, Peltonen P, Vapaavuori E. Silver birch and climate change: variable growth and carbon allocation responses to elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide and ozone. Tree Physiology. 2004 ;24(11):1227-1237.
Flückiger W, Braun S. Wie geht es unserem Wald? Ergebnisse aus Dauerbeobachtungsflächen von 1984 bis 2004. Schönenbuch: Institut für Angewandte Pflanzenbiologie; 2004 p. 67.
Bossuyt B, De Fré B, Hoffmann M. Abundance and flowering succes patterns in a short-term grazed grassland: early evidence of facilitation. Journal of Ecology . 2005 ;93 :1104-1114.
Borer CH, Schaberg PG, DeHayes DH. Acidic mist reduces foliar membrane-associated calcium and impairs stomatal responsiveness in red spruce,. Tree Physiology. 2005 ;25(6):673-680.
Misson L, Lunden M, McKay M, Goldstein AH. Atmospheric aerosol light scattering and surface wetness influence the diurnal pattern of net ecosystem exchange in a semi-arid ponderosa pine plantation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2005 ;129:69-83.
Monteith DT, Hildrew AG, Flower RJ, Raven PJ, Beaumont WRB, Collen P, Kreiser AM, Shilland EM, Winterbottom JH. Biological responses to the chemical recovery of acidified fresh waters in the UK. Environmental Pollution. 2005 ;137:83-101.
Leith I, van Dijk N, Pitcairn CER, Wolseley PA, Whitfield CP, Sutton MA. Biomonitoring methods for assessing the impacts of nitrogen pollution: refinement and testing. JNCC; 2005.
COMEAP. Cardiovascular Disease and Air Pollution - An Expert Review for Comment .; 2005. Available from: http://www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.uk/comeap/expertreview.htm
Van Den Berg LJ, Dorland E, Vergeer P, Hart MAC, Bobbink R, Roelofs JG. Decline of acid‐sensitive plant species in heathland can be attributed to ammonium toxicity in combination with low pH. New Phytologist. 2005 ;166(2):551-564.
Ledger ME, Hildrew AG. The ecology of acidification and recovery: changes in herbivore-algal food web linkages across a stream pH gradient. Environmental Pollution. 2005 ;137:103-118.
Nilsson LO, Giesler R, Bååth E, Wallander H. Growth and biomass of mycorrhizal mycelia in coniferous forestsalong short natural nutrient gradients. New Phytologist. 2005 ;165:613–622.
