APIS Bibliography

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WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 85 Lead- Environmental Aspects. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 1989.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 86 Mercury- Environmental Aspects. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 1989.
Schulze ED, Lange OL, Oren R. Forest decline and Air Pollution. Berlin: Springer; 1989.
Nriagu JO. A global assessment of natural sources of atmospheric trace metals. Nature. 1989 ;338:47-49.
Dignon J, Hameed S. Global Emissions of Nitrogen and Sulfur-Oxides from 1860 to 1980. Japca-the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 1989 ;39(2):180-186.
Garg VK, Garg SK, Tyagi SK. Hematological Parameters in Fish Channa punctatus Under the Stress of Manganese. Environment & Ecology. 1989 ;(7): 752-755.
Weinstein LH, Laurence JA. Indigenous and cultivated plants as bioindicators. In: Biologic Markers of Air-Pollution Stress and Damage in Forests. Biologic Markers of Air-Pollution Stress and Damage in Forests. Washington DC: National Academy Press; 1989. pp. 194-204.
Tyler G. Interacting effects of soil acidity and canopy cover on the species composition of field layer vegetation in oak/hornbeam forests. Forest Ecology and Management . 1989 ;28:101-114.
Eisler R. Lead hazards to fish, wildlife and invertebrates: a synoptic review. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife ServicePublisher location:Laurel, MD; 1989.
Hawksworth DL, McManus PM. Lichen Recolonization in London under Conditions of Rapidly Falling Sulfur-Dioxide Levels, and the Concept of Zone Skipping. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 1989 ;100:99-109.
Ormerod SJ, Tyler SJ. Long-term change in the suitability of welsh streams for dippers Cinclus cinclus as a result of acidification and recovery: A modelling study. Environmental Pollution. 1989 ;62:171-182.
Garg VK, Garg SK, Tyagi SK. Manganese induced haematological and biochemical anomalies in Heteropneustes fossilis. Journal of Environmental Biology. 1989 ;(10):Journal of Environmental Biology.
Skiba U, Cresser MS, Derwent RG, Futty DW. Peat acidification in Scotland. Nature. 1989 ;337:68-69.
Skiba U, Cresser MS, Derwent RG, Futty DW. Peat acidification in Scotland. Nature. 1989 ;337:68-69.
Smith RV, Stewart DA. A regression model for nitrate leaching in Northern Ireland. . Soil Use and Management. 1989 ;5:71-76.
Kühn R, Pattard M, Pernak K, Winter A. Results of the harmful effects of water pollutants to Daphnia magna in the 21 day Reproduction Test. Water Research. 1989 ;(23):501-510.
de Vries W, Posch M, Kamari J. Simulation of the long-term soil response to acid deposition in various buffer ranges. Water, Air and Soil Pollution . 1989 ;48:349-490.
HMSO. Statutory Instrument (1989): The Sludge (Use in Agriculture) Regulations. London: HMSO; 1989.
HMSO. Surface Waters (Dangerous Substances) (Classification) Regulations No 2286. 2286th ed. UK Statutory Instruments; 1989.
Prairie YT, Duarte CM, Kalff J. Unifying nutrient-chlorophyll relationships in lakes. . Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences . 1989 ;46:1176-1182.
Department of the Environment and Welsh Office. Water and the Environment. Circular 7/89. Circular 16/89 Welsh Office.; 1989.
