APIS Bibliography

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Pearson J, Stewart GR. The Deposition of Atmospheric Ammonia and Its Effects on Plants. New Phytologist. 1993 ;125:283-305.
Barnes J, Owens NJP. Denitrification and nitrous oxide concentration in the Humber Estuary, UK, and Adjacent Coastal zones. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 1998 ;37:247-260.
Redbotorstensson P. The Demographic Consequences of Nitrogen-Fertilization of a Population of Sundew, Drosera-Rotundifolia. Acta Botanica Neerlandica. 1994 ;43(2):175-188.
Kooijman AM. The decrease of rich fen Bryophytes in the Netherlands. Biological Conservation. 1992 ;59:139-143.
Beebee TJC, Flower RJ, Stevenson AC, Patrick ST, Appleby PG, Fletcher C, Marsh C, Natkanski J, Rippey B, Batterby R. Decline of the natterjack toad Bufo clamita in Britain: Paleoecological, documentary and experimental evidence for breeding site acidification. Biological Conservation. 1990 ;53:1-20.
Arnolds E. Decline of ectomycorrhizal fungi in Europe. . Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. 1991 ;35:209-244.
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Khangarot BS, Ray PK. Daphnia magna as a model to assess heavy metal toxicity: comparative assessment with the mouse system. Acta Hydrochim Hydrobiol. 1987 ;(15):427-432.
Woolgrove CE, Woodin SJ. Current and historical relationships between the tissue N content of a snowbed bryophyte and nitrogenous air pollution. Environmental Pollution. 1996 ;91:283-288.
Fuhrer J, Martin MVal, Mills G, Heald CL, Harmens H, Hayes F, Sharps K, Bender J, Ashmore MR. Current and future ozone risks to global terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem processes. Ecology and Evolution. 2016 ;6(24C):8785 - 8799.
Kaitera J. Cronartium flaccidum fruitbody production on Melampyrum spp and some important alternate hosts to pine. European Journal of Forest Pathology. 1999 ;29.
Curtis C, Allott T, Hall J, Harriman R, Helliwel R, Hughes M, Kernan M, Reynolds B, Ullyett J. Critical loads of sulphur and nitrogen for freshwaters in Great Britain and assessment of deposition reduction requirements with the First-order Acidity Balance (FAB) model. Hydrology And Earth System Sciences. 2000 ;4:125-140.
Henriksen A, Posch M, Hultberg H, Lien L. Critical loads of acidity for surface waters - can the ANC limit be considered variable? . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:2419-2424.
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Lien L, Raddum GG, Fjellheim A, Henriksen A. A critical limit for acid neutralizing capacity in Norwegian surface waters, based on new analyses of fish and invertebrate responses. Science of the Total Environment . 1996 ;177:173-193.
Mortensen L, BastrubBirk A, RoPoulsen H. Critical levels of O-3 for wood production of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L). . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1349-1354.
Monni S, Salemaa M, White C, Tuittila E, Huopalainen M. Copper resistance of Calluna vulgaris originating from the pollution gradient of a Cu-Ni smelter, in southwest Finland. Environmental Pollution. 2000 ;(109):211-219.
Stevens CJ, Thompson K, Grime JP, Long CJ, Gowing DJG. Contribution of acidification and eutrophication to declines in species richness of calcifuges grasslands along a gradient of atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Functional Ecology. 2010 ;24:478-484.
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Lau SSS, Chu LM. Contaminant release from sediments in a coastal wetland. Water Research. 1999 ;(33):909-918.
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Rennenberg H, Kreutzer K, Papen H, Weber P. Consequences of high loads of nitrogen for spruce (Picea abies) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests. . New Phytologist. 1998 ;139:71-89.
Manninen AM, Laatikainen T, Holopainen T. Condition of Scots Pine fine roots and mycorrhiza after fungicide application and low-level ozone exposure in a 2-year field experiment. Trees. 1988 ;12:347-355.
