APIS Bibliography

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Pitcairn CER, Leith ID, Sheppard LJ, Sutton MA, Fowler D, Munro RC, Tang S, Wilson D. The relationship between nitrogen deposition, species composition and foliar nitrogen concentrations in woodland flora in the vicinity of livestock farms. Environmental Pollution . 1998 ;102:41-48.
Dobben V. Re-mapping epiphytic lichen biodiversity in The Netherlands: Effects of decreasing SO2 and increasing NH3. Acta Botanica Neerlandica. 1996 ;45:55-71.
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Skiba U, Sheppard LJ, Pitcairn CER, Leith ID, Crossley A, van Dijk S, Kennedy VJ, Fowler D. Soil nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions as indicators of the exceedance of critical loads of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in semi-natural ecosystems. Environmental Pollution. 1998 ;102(S1):457-461.
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Lee JA, Parsons AN, Baxter R. Sphagnum species and polluted environments, past and future. Advances in Bryology . 1993 ;5:297-313.
Sheppard LJ, Leith ID, Crossley A, van Dijk N, Fowler D, Sutton MA, Woods C. Stress responses of Calluna vulgaris to reduced and oxidised N applied under 'real world conditions'. Environmental Pollution. 2008 ;154:404-413.
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Seaward MRD. Time-space analyses of the British lichen flora, with particular reference to air quality surveys. Folia Cryptog. Estonica, Fasc. . 1998 ;32:85-96.
Pearson J, Wells DM, Seller KJ, Bennett A, Soares A, Woodall J, Ingrouille MJ. Traffic exposure increases natural 15N and heavy metal concentrations in mosses. New Phytologist. 2000 ;147:317-326.
Smith RI, Fowler D, Sutton MA, Flechard C, Coyle M. Transboundary Air Pollution: Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone in the UK. Atmospheric Environment . 2000 ;34:3757 - 3777.
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Prescott GJ, Cohen GR, Elton RA, Fowkes FGR, Agius RM. Urban Air Pollution and Cardiopulmonary Ill-Health - A 14.5 Year Time Series Study. Occup. Environ. Med. 1998 ;55:697-704.
Leith ID, Fowler D. Urban distribution of Rhytisma acerinum (Pers.) Fries (tar spot) on sycamore. New Phytologist. 1988 ;108:175-181.
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