APIS Bibliography

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Kilham SS, Tilzer (E)MM, Serruya (E)C. Large Lakes: ecological structure and function. In: New York: Springer-Verlag; 1990. pp. 403-414.
Von Arb C, Mueller C, Ammann K, Brunold C. Lichen Physiology and Air-Pollution .2. Statistical-Analysis of the Correlation between SO2, NO2, NO and O3, and Chlorophyll Content, Net Photosynthesis, Sulfate Uptake and Protein- Synthesis of Parmelia-Sulcata Taylor. New Phytologist. 1990 ;115:431-437.
Stauber JL, Florence TM. Mechanism of toxicity of zinc to the marine diatom Nitzschia closterium. Marine Biology. 1990 ;(105):519-524.
Cape JN, Freer-Smith PH, Paterson IS, Parkinson JA, Wolfenden J. The nutritional status of Picea abies (L.) Karst. across Europe, and implications for "forest decline". Trees. 1990 ;4(4):211-224.
Elser JJ, Marzolf ER, Goldman CR. Phosphorus and nitrogen limitation of phytoplankton growth in the freshwaters of North America: a review and critique of experimental enrichments. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences . 1990 ;47:1468-1477.
Kaplan D, Sajwan K, Adriano D, Gettier S. Phytoavailability and toxicity of beryllium and vanadium. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 1990 ;(53):203-212.
Näsholm T, Ericsson A. Seasonal changes in amino acids, protein and total nitrogen in needles of fertilised Scots pine trees. Tree Physiology. 1990 ;6:267-281.
Rippey B. Sediment chemistry and atmospheric contamination. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London B. 1990 ;327:311-317.
Arts GHP, Van der Velde G, Roelofs JGM, Van Swaay CAM. Successional changes in the soft-water macrophyte vegetation of (sub)atlantic, sandy, lowland regions during this century. Freshwater Biology. 1990 ;24:287-294.
Gajbhiye SN, Hirota R. Toxicity of heavy metals to brine shrimp Artemia. Journal of the Indian Fisheries Association. 1990 ;(20):43-50.
Ross HB. On the use of mosses (Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi) for estimating atmospheric trace metal deposition. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1990 ;50:63-76.
Jordan C, Enlander IJ. The variation in the acidity of ground and surface waters in Northern Ireland. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. 1990 ;75:379-401.
Hoffman DJ, Rattner BA, Hall RJ. Wildlife toxicology. Environmental Science and Technology. 1990 ;24:276-283.
Weigel HJ, Adaros G, Jager HJ. Yield Responses of Different Crop Species to Long-Term Fumigation with Sulphur Dioxide in Open-Top Chambers. Environmental Pollution. 1990 ;67:15-28.
Drent PJ, Woldendorp JW. Acid rain and eggshells. Nature. 1989 ;339:431.
Mason CF, Macdonald SM. Acidification and Otter (Lutra-Lutra) Distribution in Scotland. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1989 ;43:365-374.
Battarbee RW. The acidification of Scottish lochs. Geographical Journal . 1989 ;155:353-360.
Couillard Y, Ross P, Pinel-Alloul B. Acute toxicity of six metals to the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus, with comparisons to other freshwater organisms. Toxicity Assessment. 1989 ;(4):451-462.
Yang JS. The comparative chemistries of platinum group metals and their periodic neighbors in marine macrophytes. Edinburgh: CEP Consultants; 1989.
Adema D, Henzen L. A comparison of plant toxicities of some industrial chemicals in soil culture and soilless culture. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 1989 ;(18):219-229.
Fowler D, Cape JN, Unsworth MH. Deposition of atmospheric pollutants on forests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences. 1989 ;324:247-265.
DeBakker AJ. Effects of ammonia emission on epiphytic lichen vegetation. Acta Botanica Neerlandica. 1989 ;38:337-342.
Besten PJDen, Herwig HJ, Zandee DI, Voogt PA. Effects of cadmium and PCBs on reproduction of the sea star Asterias rubens: aberrations in the early development. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 1989 ;(18):173-180.
Kaupenjohann M, Dohler H, Bauer M. Effects of N-emissions on nutrient status and vitality of Pinus sylvestris near a hen house. .; 1989 pp. 279-328.
Steubing L, Fangmeier A, Both R, Frankenfeld M. Effects of SO2, NO2, and O3 on Population Development and Morphological and Physiological Parameters of Native Herb Layer Species in a Beech Forest. Environmental Pollution. 1989 ;58:281-302.
