APIS Bibliography

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VanderHayden D, Skelly J, Innes J, Hug C, Zhang J, Landolt W, Bleuler P. Ozone exposure thresholds and foliar injury on forest plants in Switzerland. Environmental Pollution. 2001 ;111(2):321-331.
Kernan M, Helliwel R. Partitioning the variation within the acid neutralizing capacity of surface waters in Scotland in relation to land cover, soil and atmospheric depositional factors. Science of the Total Environment . 2001 ;265:39-49.
Berendse F, van Breeman N, Rydin H, Buttler A, Heijmans M, Hoosbeek MR, Lee JA, Mitchel E, Saarinen T, Vasander H, et al. Raised atmospheric CO2 levels and increased N deposition cause shifts in plant species composition and production in Sphagnum bogs. Global Change Biology . 2001 ;7:591-598.
Van Dobben HJ, Wolterbeek HT, Wamelink GWW, Ter Braak CJF. Relationship between epiphytic lichens, trace elements and gaseous atmospheric pollutants. Environmental Pollution. 2001 ;112:163-169.
Khan AG. Relationships between chromium biomaginification ratio, accumulation factor and mycorrhizae in plants growing on tannery effluent-polluted soil. Environment International. 2001 ;(25):417-423.
Hauck M, Jung R, Runge M. Relevance of element content of bark for the distribution of epiphytic licehns in a montane spruce forest affected by forest dieback. Environmental Pollution. 2001 ;(112):221-227.
Stewart NF. Review of the status of Biodiversity Action Plan stonewort species.; 2001.
Bragg OM, Tallis JH. The sensitivity of peat-covered upland landscapes. Catena. 2001 ;42:345-360.
Strengbom J, Nordin A, Ndsholm T, Ericson L. Slow recovery of boreal forest ecosystem following decreased nitrogen input. . Functional Ecology. 2001 ;15:451-457.
Strengbom J, Nordin A, Näsholm T, Ericson L. Slow recovery of boreal forest ecosystem following decreased nitrogen input. Functional Ecology . 2001 ;15:451-457.
Skiba U, Sozanska M, Metcalfe S, Fowler D. Spatially disaggregated inventories of soil NO and N2O emissions for Great Britain. Water Air & Soil Pollution. 2001 ;(1):109 – 118.
Rout GR, Samantaray S, Das P. Studies on differential manganese tolerance of mung bean and rice genotypes in hydroponic culture. Agronomie . 2001 ;(21):725-733.
Hoosebeak MR, van Breeman N, Wallen B, Rydin H, Lee JA, Sivola J, Vasander H, Berendse F, Grosvernier P, Sutton (E)MA, et al. Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe: successes, challenges and policy. In: Brussels.: Directorate-General for Research; 2001.
on Pollution) NEGTAP (NEGTA. Transboundary Air Pollution: Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone in the UK - NEGTAP. [Internet]. 2001 . Available from: http://www.pollutantdeposition.ceh.ac.uk/reports
Milne JA, Hartley SE. Upland plant communities - sensitivity to change. Catena. 2001 ;42(2-4):333-343.
Marsden MW, Mackay D. Water quality in Scotland: the view of the regulator Science of the Total Environment. 2001 ;265:369-386.
Zimmermann S, Alt F, Messerschmidt J, Von-Bohlen A, Taraschewski H, Sures B. Biological availability of traffic-related platinum group elements (Palladium, platinum and rhodium) and other metals to zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in water containing road dust. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2002 ;(21):2713-2718.
Nan Z, Li J, Zhang J, Cheng G. Cadmium and zinc interactions and their transfer in soil-crop system under actual field conditions. Science of the Total Environment. 2002 ;(285):187-195.
Hammer D, Keller C. Changes in the rhizosphere of metal-accumulating plants evidenced by chemical extractants. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2002 ;(31):1561-1569.
Jones MLM, Reynolds B, Stevens PA, Norris DA. Changing nutrient budget of sand dunes: consequences for the nature conservation interest and dune management. 1 .; 2002.
Sozanska M, Skiba U, Metcalfe S. Developing an inventory of N2O emissions from British Soils. Atmos. Environ. 2002 ;36:987 - 998.
Hauck M, Paul A, Mulack C, Fritz E, Runge M. Effects of manganese on the viability of vegetative diaspores of the epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2002 ;(47):127-142.
Pearce IFK, Van der Wal R. Effects of nitrogen deposition on growth and survival of montane Racomitrium lanuginosum heath. Biological Conservation. 2002 ;104:83-89.
Roem WJ, Klees H, Berendse F. Effects of nutrient addition and acidification on plant species diversity and seed germination in heathland. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2002 ;39:937-948.
Long SP, Naidu SL. Effects of oxidants at the biochemical, cell, and physiological levels, with particular reference to ozone. (Bell JNB, Treshow M). John Wiley and Sons Ltd.; 2002 pp. pp 69-88.
