APIS Bibliography

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Bouwman LA, Bloem J, Romkens PFAM, Boon GT, Vangronsveld J. Beneficial effects of the growth of metal tolerant grass on biological and chemical parameters in copper and zinc contaminated sandy soils. Minerva Biotecnologica. 2001 ;(13):9-26.
Torres KC, Johnson ML. Bioaccumulation of metals in plants, arthropods and mice at a seasonal wetland. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2001 ;(20):2617-2626.
Sutton MA, Milford C, Nemitz E, Theobald MR, D. F, Schjoerring JK, Mattsson ME, Nielsen KH, Husted S, Erisman JW, et al. Biosphere-atmosphere interactions of ammonia with grasslands: experimental strategy and results from a new European initiative. Plant and Soil . 2001 ;228 (1):131-145.
Smolders E. Cadmium uptake by plants. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health. 2001 ;(14):177-183.
Bates JW. Changes in oak epiphytes monitored for 21 years along an air quality gradient into London. Eurasap. 2001 ;41:8-9.
Ranta P. Changes in urban lichen diversity after a fall in sulphur dioxide levels in the city of Tampere, SW Finland. Annales Botanici Fennici . 2001 ;38(4):295-304.
IPCC. Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Geneva: IPCC; 2001 p. pp. 881.
Harrison PA, Berry PM, Dawson TP. Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Britain and Ireland: Modelling natural resource responses to climate change (the MONARCH project). Oxford; 2001.
Leith ID, Sheppard LJ, Pitcairn CER, Cape JN, Hill PW, Kennedy VH, Tang YS, Smith RI, D. F. Comparison of the effects of dry deposited N as NH3 with wet deposited N as NH4Cl on acid moorland vegetation. Water Air and Soil Pollution (In press). 2001 .
WHO. Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 29 Vanadium pentoxide and other inorganic vanadium compounds. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 2001.
Fowler D, Dragosits U, Pitcairn CER, Sutton MA, Hall J, Roy DB, Weidemann A. Deposition of acidifying and eutrophying air pollutants in Scotland: Mapping critical loads, critical levels and exceedances. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology; 2001.
Ciecko Z, Wyszkowski M, Krajewski W, Zabielska J. Effect of organic matter and liming on the reduction of cadmium uptake from soil by triticale and spring oilseed rape. Science of the Total Environment . 2001 ;(281): 37-45.
Parveen Z, Smart R, White C, Gammack S, Deacon C, Cresser M. Effects of Simulated Sulphuric Acid Deposition On Calluna Vulgaris/Peat Microcosms and Associated Soil Solutions. Chemistry and Ecology. 2001 ;17(4):293-314.
Salminen J, Tan-Anh B, Van-Gestel CAM. Encyyrtraeids and microbes in Zn polluted soil: No link between organism-level stress response and ecosystem functioning. Ecotoxicology. 2001 ;(10): 351-361.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 221 Zinc. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 2001.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 224 Arsenic and arsenic compounds. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2001.
Beyer WN. Estimating toxic damage to soil ecosystems from soil organic matter profiles. Ecotoxicology. 2001 ;(10):273-283.
Copplestone D, Bielby S, Jones SR, Paton D, Daniel P, Gize I. Impact Assessment of ionising radiation on wildlife. Bristol: Environment Agency; 2001. Available from: http://publications.environment-agency.gov.uk/pdf/SR-DPUB-128-e-e.pdf
Gordon C, Wynn JM, Woodin SJ. Impacts of increased nitrogen supply on high Arctic heath: the importance of bryophytes and phosphus availability. New Phytologist . 2001 ;149:461-471.
Salminen J, Anh BT, Van-Gestel CAM. Indirect effects of zinc on soil microbes via a keystone enchytraeid species. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2001 ;(20):1167-1174.
Whittaker JB. Insects and plants in a changing atmosphere. Journal of Ecology . 2001 ;89:507-518.
Dierks S. Investigation of copper adsorption to peat using the simple metal sorption model. Water Science and Technology. 2001 ;(44):477-483.
Wetzel RG. Limnology: lake and river ecosystems. 3rd ed. San Diego: Academic Press; 2001.
Vickery JA, Tallowin JR, Feber RE, Asteraki EJ, Atkinson PW, Fuller RJ, Brown VK. The management of lowland neutral grasslands in Britain: effects of agricultural practices on birds and their food resources. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2001 ;38:647–664.
McCabe OM, Baldwin JL, Otte ML. Metal tolerance in wetland plants. Minerva Biotecnologica. 2001 ;(13):141-149.
