APIS Bibliography

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Temminghoff EJM, Van der Zee SEATM, De Haan FAM. opper mobility in a copper-contaminated sandy soil as affected by pH and solid and dissolved organic matter. Environmental Science & Technology. 1997 ;(31).
Gauslaa Y, Kopperud C, Solhaug KA. Optimal quantum yield of photosystem II and chlorophyll degradation of Lobaria pulmonaria in relation to pH Lichenologist. 1996 ;28:267-278.
Freney JR. Options for reducing the negative effects of nitrogen in agriculture. Science in China Series C-Life Sciences. 2005 ;48:861-870.
Canterford GS, Canterford DR. oxicity of heavy metals to the marine diatom Ditylum brightwellii (West) Grunow: correlation between toxicity and metal speciation. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the U.K. 1980 ;(60):227-242.
Miller PR, Taylor OC, Wilbour RG. Oxidant air pollution effects on a western coniferous forest ecosystem. 1982 ;EPA-600/D:82-276.
Hibben CR, Taylor MP. Ozone and sulphur dioxide effects on the lilac powdery mildew fungus. Environmental Pollution. 1975 ;9:107-114.
Niemi R, Martikainen PJ, Silvola J, Holopainen T. Ozone effects on Sphagnum mosses, carbon dioxide exchange and methane emission in boreal peatland microcosms. Science of The Total Environment. 2002 ;289:1-12.
Rinnan R, Holopainen T. Ozone effects on the ultrastructure of peatland plants: Sphagnum mosses, Vaccinium oxycoccus, Andromeda polifolia and Eriophorum vaginatum. Annals of Botany. 2004 ;94:623-634.
VanderHayden D, Skelly J, Innes J, Hug C, Zhang J, Landolt W, Bleuler P. Ozone exposure thresholds and foliar injury on forest plants in Switzerland. Environmental Pollution. 2001 ;111(2):321-331.
Group AQE. Ozone in the United Kingdom.; 2009.
PORG. Ozone in the United Kingdom 1997. London: Department of the Environment; 1997.
Group POR. Ozone in the United Kingdom - 4th Report of the Photochemical Oxidants Review Group. London: DETR; 1997.
Mills G, Harmens H. Ozone pollution: a hidden threat to food security. ICP Vegetation Coordination Centre; 2011.
Hayes F, Williamson J, Mills G. Ozone pollution affects flower numbers and timing in a simulated BAP priority calcareous grassland community. Environmental Pollution. 2012 ;163:40-47.
