APIS Bibliography

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Last FT. Acid deposition: its nature and impacts. (Last FT, Watling R).; 1991 pp. 273-324.
of the Environment D. Acid Rain - Critical and Target Load Maps for the United Kingdom. London: Department of the Environment Air Quality Division; 1991.
Brydges TG, Wilson RB. Acid rain since 1985 - times are changing. In: Last FT, Watling R Acid deposition: its nature and impacts. Vol. 97. Acid deposition: its nature and impacts. ; 1991. pp. 1-15.
Last FT, Watling R. Acidic deposition: its nature and impacts.; 1991.
Ashmore MR. Air pollution and agriculture. Outlook on Agriculture . 1991 ;20:139-144.
Duce RA, Tindale NW. Atmospheric Transport of Iron and Its Deposition in the Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography. 1991 ;36(8):1715-1726.
Pitcairn CER, Fowler D. Changes in species composition of semi-natural vegetation associated with the increase in atmospheric inputs of nitrogen. Bush: Institute of Terrestrial Ecology; 1991.
Farmer AM, Bates JW, Bell JNB. Comparisons of 3 Woodland Sites in NW Britain Differing in Richness of the Epiphytic Lobarion-Pulmonariae Community and Levels of Wet Acidic Deposition. . Holarctic Ecology. 1991 ;14:85-91.
Adaros G, Weigel HJ, Jager HJ. Concurrent exposure to SO2 and/or NO2 alters groweth and Yield responses of wheat and barley to low concentrations of O3. New Phytologist. 1991 ;118(4):581-591.
Maitland PS, Lyle AA. Conservation of freshwater fish in the British Isles: the current status and biology of threatened species. Aquatic Conservation . Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems . 1991 ;1:25-54.
UKCLAG. Critical Load Maps for the United Kingdom I: Soil.; 1991.
Arnolds E. Decline of ectomycorrhizal fungi in Europe. . Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. 1991 ;35:209-244.
Denton JS. The Distribution and Breeding Site Characteristics of Newts in Cumbria, England. . Herpetological Journal . 1991 ;1:549-554.
Soutar RG, Woodin (E)SJ, Farmer (E)AM. The effects of acid deposition on nature conservation in Great Britain. Peterborough: Nature Conservancy Council; 1991 pp. 62-66.
Woodin SJ, Farmer AM. The effects of acid deposition on nature conservation in Great Britain. Peterborough: Nature Conservancy Council; 1991.
Ormerod SJ, Woodin (E)SJ, Farmer (E)AM. The effects of acid deposition on nature conservation in Great Britain. Peterborough: Nature Conservancy Council; 1991 pp. p67-73.
Lee JA, Woodin (E)SJ, Farmer (E)M. The effects of acid deposition on nature conservation in Great Britain. In: NCC Focus on Nature Conservation Report 26. NCC Focus on Nature Conservation Report 26. Peterborough: Nature Conservancy Council; 1991. pp. 12-16.
Thompson DBA, Baddeley JA, Woodin (E)SJ, Farmer (E)AM. The effects of acid deposition on nature conservation in Great Britain. Peterborough: Nature Conservancy Council; 1991 pp. 17-28.
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement NCRP. Effects of ionising radiation on aquatic organisms.; 1991 p. 115pp.
