APIS Bibliography

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Kooijman AM. The decrease of rich fen Bryophytes in the Netherlands. Biological Conservation. 1992 ;59:139-143.
Sutton MA, Moncrieff JB, Fowler D. Deposition of Atmospheric Ammonia to Moorlands. Environmental Pollution. 1992 ;75:15-24.
Farmer AM, Bates JW, Bell JNB, Bates (E)JW, Farmer (E)AM. Ecophysiological effects of acid rain on bryophytes and lichens. In: Bryophytes and lichens in a changing environment. Bryophytes and lichens in a changing environment. Oxford: Clarendon Press; 1992.
Edwards GS, Kelly JM. Ectomycorrhizal colonisation of loblolly pine seedlings during three growing seasons in response to ozone, acidic precipitation and soil Mg status. Environmental Pollution. 1992 ;76:71-77.
Baxter R, Emes MJ, Lee JA. Effect of an experimentally applied increase in ammonium on growth and amino-acid metabolism of Sphagnum cuspidatum Ehrh. Ex. Hoffm. From differently polluted areas. . New Phytologist . 1992 ;120:265-274.
Reiling K, Davison AW. Effects of a short ozone exposure given at different stages in the development of Plantago major L. New Phytologist. 1992 ;121:643-647.
Rodenkirchen H. Effects of acid precipitation, fertilisation and liming on the ground vegetation in coniferous forests of southern Germany. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1992 ;61:279-294.
Dirske GM, Martakis GFP. Effects of fertiliser on bryophytes in Swedish experiments on forest fertilisation. Biological Conservation. 1992 ;59:155-161.
IAEA. Effects of Ionising Radiation on Plants and Animals at levels implied by Current Radiation Protection Standards. Vienna: International Atomic Energy AgencyInternational Atomic Energy Agency; 1992.
Beattie RC, Tyler-Jones R. The Effects of Low Ph and Aluminum on Breeding Success in the Frog Rana-Temporaria. Journal of Herpetology . 1992 ;26:353-360.
Morgan SM, Lee JA, Ashenden TW. Effects of Nitrogen-Oxides on Nitrate Assimilation in Bryophytes. New Phytologist. 1992 ;120:89-97.
Beattie RC, Tyler-Jones R, Baxter MJ. The Effects of pH, Aluminum Concentration and Temperature on the Embryonic-Development of the European Common Frog, Rana- Temporaria. Journal of Zoology. 1992 ;228:557-570.
Hallbdcken L, Kellner O. Effects of simulated nitrogen rich and acid rain on the nitrogen-fixing lichen Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Willd. . New Phytologist. 1992 ;120:99-103.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 135 Cadmium - Environmental Aspects. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 1992.
Aerts R, Wallen B, Malmer N. Growth limiting nutrients in Sphagnum dominated bogs subject to low and high atmospheric Nitrogen supply. Journal of Ecology . 1992 ;80:131-40.
Sloss LL. Halogen emissions from coal combustion.; 1992.
Brimblecombe P, Bowler C. The history of air pollution in York, England. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 1992 ;42:1562-1566.
Bolsinger M, Lier ME, Hughes PR. Influence of Ozone Air-Pollution on Plant-Herbivore Interactions .2. Effects of Ozone on Feeding Preference, Growth and Consumption Rates of Monarch Butterflies (Danaus-Plexippus). Environmental Pollution. 1992 ;77:31-37.
Seaward MRD. Large-scale air pollution monitoring using lichens. GeoJournal . 1992 ;28:403-411.
Purvis OW, Coppins BJ, Hawksworth DL, James P, Moore DM. Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland. London: The Natural History Museum; 1992 p. 710.
Duyzer JH. Measurement of Dry Deposition Velocities of NH3, and NH4+ over Natural Terrains. Delft, The Netherlands; 1992.
Gibson CE, Smith RV, Stewart DA. nitrogen cycle in Lough Neagh, N. Ireland, 1975 to 1987. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. 1992 ;77:73-83.
Gagnon ZE, Karnosky DF. Physiological response of three species of Sphagnum to ozone. Journal Bryology . 1992 ;17:81-91.
Tyler SJ, Ormerod SJ. A Review of the Likely Causal Pathways Relating the Reduced Density of Breeding Dippers Cinclus-Cinclus to the Acidification of Upland Streams. Environmental Pollution. 1992 ;78:49-55.
Arnold G. Soil acidification as caused by the nitrogen uptake pattern of Scots pine. Plant and Soil . 1992 ;142:41-51.
