APIS Bibliography

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Woodin SJ, Farmer AM. Impacts of sulphur and nitrogen deposition on sites and species of nature conservation importance in Great Britain. Biological Conservation. 1993 ;63:23-30.
Termoshuizen AJ. The influence of nitrogen fertilization on ectomycorrhizas and their fungal corpophores in young stands of Pinus sylvestris. Forest Ecology and Management . 1993 ;57:179-189.
Helivvaara K, Vdisdnen R. Insects and Pollution. London: CRC Press; 1993.
Grunhage L, Dammgen U, Haenel HD, Jager HJ, Holl A, Schmitt J, Hanewald K. A new potential air-quality criterion derived from vertical flux densitites of ozone and from plant response. Angewandte Botanik. 1993 ;67:9-13.
Faafeng B, Hessen DO. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and N:P ratios in Norwegian lakes. Perspective on nutrient limitation.; 1993 pp. 505-507.
Bobbink R, Boxman D, Fremstad E, Heil G, Houdijk A, Roelofs J. Nitrogen eutrophication and critical load for nitrogen based upon changes in flora and fauna in (semi)-natural terrestrial ecosystems. 1993 :pp. 111-159.
OSPARCOM. North Sea quality status report 1993. London: Oslo and Paris Commissions; 1993.
Black KE, Lowe JAH, Billett MF, Cresser MS. Observations on the changes in nitrate concentrations in seven upland moorland catchments in north eastern Scotland. Water Research. 1993 ;27:1195-1199.
Titus JE, Hoover DT. Reproduction in two submersed macrophytes declines progressively at low pH. . Freshwater Biology. 1993 ;30:63-72.
Reynolds B, Ormerod SJ. Review of the impact of current and future acid deposition in Wales. 1993 .
Vernberg FJ. Salt-Marsh Processes - a Review.; 1993 pp. 2167-2195.
Lee JA, Parsons AN, Baxter R. Sphagnum species and polluted environments, past and future. Advances in Bryology . 1993 ;5:297-313.
Bissett K, Farmer AM. SSSIs in England at risk from acid rain. Peterborough; 1993.
Sato M, Hansen JE, McCormick MP, Pollack JB. Stratospheric Aerosol Optical Depths, 1850-1990. Journal of Geophysical Research. 1993 ;98:22987-22994.
Ling KA, Power S, Ashmore MR. A survey of the health of Fagus sylvatica in southern Britain. . Journal of Applied Ecology . 1993 ;30:295-306.
Ross A. Terrestrial SSSIs at risk from acidification in Scotland. Perth: Scottish Natural Heritage; 1993.
Sketch CA, Bareham SA. Terrestrial SSSIs at risk from soil acidification in Wales. Bangor: Countryside Council for Wales; 1993.
of Group QUAR. Urban Air Quality in the United Kingdom. First Report of the Quality of Urban Air Review Group. London: DoE; 1993.
Chaney RL. Zinc Phytotoxicity. In: In A. D. Robson Proceedings of the International Symposium on Zinc in Soil and Plants. In A. D. Robson Proceedings of the International Symposium on Zinc in Soil and Plants. University of Western Australia: Kluwer; 1993. pp. 135-150.
