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Mills G, Hayes F, Norris D, Hall J, Coyle M, Cambridge H, Cinderby S, Abbott J, Cooke S, Murrells T. Impacts of Ozone Pollution on Food Security in the UK: A Case Study for Two Contrasting years, 2006 and 2008. Defra; 2011. Available from: http://icpvegetation.ceh.ac.uk/ and http://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/library/
Mills G, Hayes F, Norris D, Hall J. Impacts of Ozone Pollution on Food Security in the UK: A Case Study for Two Contrasting years, 2006 and 2008. Defra; 2011. Available from: http://icpvegetation.ceh.ac.uk/
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Sheppard LJ, Leith ID, Mizunuma T, Leeson S, Kivimaki SK, Cape JN, van Dijk N, Leaver D, Sutton MA, Fowler D, et al. Inertia in an ombrotrophic bog ecosystem in response to nine years’ realistic perturbation by wet deposition of nitrogen, separated by form. Global change Biology . 2013 .
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