APIS Bibliography

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IAEA. Report from the specialist's meeting on protection of the environment from the effects of ionising radiation: International perspectives. Vienna: IAEA Headquarters; 2000.
Li YM, Chaney RL, Siebielec G, Kerschner BA. Response of four turfgrass cultivars to limestone and biosolids-compost amendment of a zinc and cadmium contaminated soil at Palmerton, Pennsylvania. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2000 ;(29):1440-1447.
Manninen S, Huttunen S. "Response of needle sulphur and nitrogen concentrations of Scots pine versus Norway spruce to SO2 and NO2." . Environmental Pollution. 2000 ;107(3):421-436.
Viskari EL, Surakka J, Pasanen P, Mirme A, Ruuskanen J, Holopainen JK. Responses of spruce seedlings (Picea abies) to exhaust gas under laboratory conditions - I - plant-insect interactions. . Environmental Pollution. 2000 ;107:89-98.
Greenup AL, Bradford MA, McNamara NP, Ineson P, Lee JA. The role of Eriophorum vaginatum in CH4 flux from an ombitrophic peatland. . Plant and Soil. 2000 ;227:265-272.
Baumgarten M, Werner H, Haberle KH, Emberson LD, Fabian P, Matyssek R. Seasonal ozone response of mature beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) at high altitude in the Bavarian Forest (Germany) in comparison with young beech grown in the field and in phytotrons. Environmental Pollution. 2000 ;109:431-442.
Tarhanen S, Poikolinen J, Holopainen T, Oskanen J. Severe photobiont injuries of lichens strongly associated with air pollution. New Phytologist. 2000 ;147:579-590.
Gimeno C, Deltoro VI. Sulphur dioxide effects on cell structure and photosynthetic performance in the liverwort Frullania dilatata. . Canadian Journal of Botany . 2000 ;78:98-104.
Hartley-Whitaker J, Cairney JWG, Meharg AA. Toxic effects of cadmium and zinc on ectomycorrhizal colonization of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) from soil inoculum. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2000 ;(19): 694-699.
Pearson J, Wells DM, Seller KJ, Bennett A, Soares A, Woodall J, Ingrouille MJ. Traffic exposure increases natural 15N and heavy metal concentrations in mosses. New Phytologist. 2000 ;147:317-326.
Smith RI, Fowler D, Sutton MA, Flechard C, Coyle M. Transboundary Air Pollution: Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone in the UK. Atmospheric Environment . 2000 ;34:3757 - 3777.
Monteith DT, Evans CD. UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network: 10 Year Report. [Internet]. 2000 . Available from: http://awmn.defra.gov.uk/resources/publications/2000publications.php
Mitsch WJ, Gosselink JG. Wetlands. 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley; 2000.
Usher (E)MB. Action for Scotland's Biodiversity. 1999 .
P.M. T. Assessment programme to fulfil the commitments of the Nuclear Safety Commission - Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Ionising Radiation and the Environment. 1999 .
Sival FP, Strijkstra-Kalk M. Atmospheric deposition of acidifying and eutrophicating substances in dune slacks. Water Air and Soil Pollution. 1999 ;116:461-477.
Chameides WL, Yu H, Liu SC, Bergin M, Zhou X, Mearns L, Wang G, Kiang CS, Saylor RD, Luo C, et al. Case study of the effects of atmospheric aerosols and regional haze on agriculture: An opportunity to enhance crop yields in China through emission controls?. PNAS. 1999 ;96:13626-13633.
Knapton RW, Petrie SA. Changes in distribution and abundance of submerged macrophytes in the Inner Bay at Long Point, Lake Erie: Implications for foraging waterfowl. Journal of Great Lakes Research . 1999 ;25:783-798.
Wayne RP. Chemistry of Atmospheres. Oxford University Press. 1999 .
White A, Cannell MGR, Friend AD. Climate change impacts on ecosystems and the terrestrial carbon sink: a new analysis. Global Environmental Change. 1999 ;9:S21-S30 Suppl. S.
Hulme M, Mitchell J, Ingram M, Johns T, New M, Viner D. Climate change scenarios for global impacts studies. Global Environmental Change. 1999 ;9:S3-S19 Suppl. S.
Kerr A, Shackley S, Milne R, Allen S. Climate change: Scottish implications scoping study. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive Central Research Unit; 1999.
Kroeze C, Mosier A, Bouwman L. Closing the global N2O budget: a retrospective analysis 1500 - 1994. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 1999 ;13:1-8.
Lavado RS, Porcelli CA, Alvarez R. Concentration and distribution of extractable elements in a soil affected by tillage systems and fertilization. Science of the Total Environment. 1999 ;(232):185-191.
Lau SSS, Chu LM. Contaminant release from sediments in a coastal wetland. Water Research. 1999 ;(33):909-918.
