APIS Bibliography

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Pearson J, Stewart GR. The Deposition of Atmospheric Ammonia and Its Effects on Plants. New Phytologist. 1993 ;125:283-305.
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Pleijel H, Eriksen AB, Danielsson H, Bondesson N, Sellden G. Differential ozone sensitivity in an old and a modern Swedish wheat cultivar – grain yield and quality, leaf chlorophyll and stomatal conductance. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2006 ;56:63-71.
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Monteith DT, Stoddard JL, Evans CD, De Wit HA, Forsius M, Hogasen T, Wilander A, Skjelkvale BL, Jeffries DS, Vuorenmaa J, et al. Dissolved organic carbon trends resulting from changes in atmospheric deposition chemistry. Nature. 2007 ;450:537-539.
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