APIENs Sites

NECD1: Alice Holt 2

Open Street Map: 51.173573,-0.850113

Alice Holt 2 is a site located on 4 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD2: Stanford 2 / Thetford

Open Street Map: 52.50275,0.703819

Stanford 2 / Thetford is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD3: Coalburn

Open Street Map: 55.0972109,-2.4811358

Coalburn is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD4: Rogate

Open Street Map: 51.026417,-0.875534

Rogate is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD5: Llyn Brianne

Open Street Map: 52.129635,-3.741057

Llyn Brianne is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD6: Moorhouse / ECN Troutbeck

Open Street Map: 54.690133,-2.376928

Moorhouse / ECN Troutbeck is a site located on 9 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD7: Allt a’ Mharcaidh/Cairngorms

Open Street Map: 57.124167,-3.856667

Allt a’ Mharcaidh/Cairngorms is a site located on 6 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD8: Glensaugh

Open Street Map: 56.907222,-2.559444

Glensaugh is a site located on 6 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD9: Hillsborough

Open Street Map: 54.454396,-6.083568

Hillsborough is a site located on 6 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD10: Rothamsted

Open Street Map: 51.806203,-0.360479

Rothamsted is a site located on 5 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD11: Llyn Llydaw / Snowdon

Open Street Map: 53.07467,-4.03341

Llyn Llydaw / Snowdon is a site located on 6 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD12: North Wyke

Open Street Map: 50.768556,-3.903725

North Wyke is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD13: Porton Down

Open Street Map: 51.144886,-1.682331

Porton Down is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD14: Sourhope

Open Street Map: 55.489415,-2.212154

Sourhope is a site located on 4 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD15: Wytham Woods

Open Street Map: 51.7703137,-1.3322526

Wytham Woods is a site located on 5 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD16: River Etherow / Dark Peak

Open Street Map: 53.48653,-1.81445

River Etherow / Dark Peak is a site located on 5 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Heathland and shrub MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD17: Goonhilly / The Lizard

Open Street Map: 50.050611,-5.181545

Goonhilly / The Lizard is a site located on 5 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Heathland and shrub MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD18: Yarner Wood / East Dartmoor Woods & Heaths

Open Street Map: 50.5976,-3.71651

Yarner Wood / East Dartmoor Woods & Heaths is a site located on 6 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Heathland and shrub MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD19: Lullington Heath

Open Street Map: 50.7937,0.18125

Lullington Heath is a site located on 6 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD20: Ainsdale Dunes & Sands NNR

Open Street Map: 53.587784,-3.075684

Ainsdale Dunes & Sands NNR is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Sparsely vegetated areas MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD21: Bure Marshes

Open Street Map: 52.68946175,1.470046838

Bure Marshes is a site located on 4 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD22: Fenn’s Moss

Open Street Map: 52.92336,-2.76192

Fenn’s Moss is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Wetlands MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD23: Ingleborough NNR

Open Street Map: 54.193645,-2.352473

Ingleborough NNR is a site located on 5 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD24: Monks Wood NNR

Open Street Map: 52.401164,-0.238643

Monks Wood NNR is a site located on 4 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD25: Stiperstones NNR

Open Street Map: 52.581245,-2.9451

Stiperstones NNR is a site located on 4 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD26: Thorganby / Lower Derwent Valley

Open Street Map: 53.875561,-0.970693

Thorganby / Lower Derwent Valley is a site located on 5 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD27: Thursley Common 2

Open Street Map: 51.150875,-0.704431

Thursley Common 2 is a site located on 4 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD28: Wardlow Hay Cop 2

Open Street Map: 53.26046,-1.735373

Wardlow Hay Cop 2 is a site located on 4 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD29: Burnham Beeches NNR

Open Street Map: 51.5518,-0.637822

Burnham Beeches NNR is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Urban MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD30: May Moss NNR

Open Street Map: 54.350665,-0.648143

May Moss NNR is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Heathland and shrub MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD31: Braunton Burrows

Open Street Map: 50.958487,-4.079161

Braunton Burrows is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD32: Chippenham Fen

Open Street Map: 52.29789,0.416641

Chippenham Fen is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD33: Chobham Common

Open Street Map: 51.372296,-0.597881

Chobham Common is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Heathland and shrub MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD34: Cross Fell

Open Street Map: 54.701191,-2.472605

Cross Fell is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Wetlands MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD35: Dersingham Bog

Open Street Map: 52.830781,0.484647

Dersingham Bog is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Heathland and shrub MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD36: Downton Gorge

Open Street Map: 52.358711,-2.8229

Downton Gorge is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD37: Ennerdale

Open Street Map: 54.487377,-3.297661

Ennerdale is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD38: Epping Forest

Open Street Map: 51.653929,0.051508

Epping Forest is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD39: Finglandrigg Woods

Open Street Map: 54.901072,-3.132576

Finglandrigg Woods is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD40: Kielderhead

Open Street Map: 55.255041,-2.499357

Kielderhead is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Wetlands MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD41: Lindisfarne

Open Street Map: 55.682351,-1.837963

Lindisfarne is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Saltmarsh MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD42: Ludham & Potter Heigham Marshes

Open Street Map: 52.704067,1.563249

Ludham & Potter Heigham Marshes is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD43: Malham Tarn

Open Street Map: 54.097977,-2.168636

Malham Tarn is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Rivers and lakes MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD44: Martin Down

Open Street Map: 50.969051,-1.930266

Martin Down is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD45: Mottey Meadows

Open Street Map: 52.716229,-2.237605

Mottey Meadows is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD46: North Solent

Open Street Map: 50.767679,-1.41138

North Solent is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Marine MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD47: North Walney

Open Street Map: 54.143073,-3.270454

North Walney is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Saltmarsh MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD48: Old Winchester Hill

Open Street Map: 50.98047,-1.084863

Old Winchester Hill is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD49: Roudsea Mosses

Open Street Map: 54.228937,-3.005754

Roudsea Mosses is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD50: Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes

Open Street Map: 53.391007,0.232122

Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Marine MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD51: Woodwalton Fen

Open Street Map: 52.44408,-0.190318

Woodwalton Fen is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Wetlands MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD52: Wyre Forest

Open Street Map: 52.382406,-2.352432

Wyre Forest is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD53: Polloch / Allt na Coire nan Con

Open Street Map: 56.759876,-5.613203

Polloch / Allt na Coire nan Con is a site located on 6 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Heathland and shrub MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD54: Beaghs Burn

Open Street Map: 55.086709,-6.174419

Beaghs Burn is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD55: Dumfries/Loch Grannoch

Open Street Map: 54.984575,-4.282113

Dumfries/Loch Grannoch is a site located on 4 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD56: Afon Gwy (Wye)

Open Street Map: 52.45389042,-3.704320709

Afon Gwy (Wye) is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD57: Afon Hafren (Severn)

Open Street Map: 52.47370433,-3.702141193

Afon Hafren (Severn) is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD58: Baddoch Burn

Open Street Map: 56.90672335,-3.445199117

Baddoch Burn is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD59: Bencrom River

Open Street Map: 54.1723782,-5.976084768

Bencrom River is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Rivers and lakes MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD60: Blue Lough

Open Street Map: 54.17378142,-5.940824099

Blue Lough is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Heathland and shrub MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD61: Burnmoor Tarn

Open Street Map: 54.4283293,-3.257961566

Burnmoor Tarn is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Rivers and lakes MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD62: Coney Glen

Open Street Map: 54.74836798,-6.986747252

Coney Glen is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD63: Danby Beck

Open Street Map: 54.41219531,-0.933625946

Danby Beck is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Heathland and shrub MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD64: Dargall Lane

Open Street Map: 55.07751587,-4.429800922

Dargall Lane is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD65: Llyn Cwm Mynach

Open Street Map: 52.79521299,-3.960916412

Llyn Cwm Mynach is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Rivers and lakes MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD66: Llyn Llagi

Open Street Map: 53.01462301,-4.014090297

Llyn Llagi is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Rivers and lakes MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD67: Loch Chon

Open Street Map: 56.21230534,-4.546294056

Loch Chon is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Rivers and lakes MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD68: Loch Coire Fionnaraich

Open Street Map: 57.4919509,-5.429395143

Loch Coire Fionnaraich is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Rivers and lakes MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD69: Loch Tinker

Open Street Map: 56.22835613,-4.508631036

Loch Tinker is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Rivers and lakes MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD70: Lochnagar

Open Street Map: 56.95844416,-3.230105843

Lochnagar is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Rivers and lakes MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD71: Narrator Brook

Open Street Map: 50.5044675,-4.019609716

Narrator Brook is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD72: Old Lodge

Open Street Map: 51.04493973,0.077273834

Old Lodge is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Heathland and shrub MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD73: Round Loch of Glenhead

Open Street Map: 55.09370932,-4.429215872

Round Loch of Glenhead is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Rivers and lakes MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD74: Scoat Tarn

Open Street Map: 54.48183625,-3.298196326

Scoat Tarn is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Rivers and lakes MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD75: Chilbolton

Open Street Map: 51.149253,-1.438186

Chilbolton is a site located on 7 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD76: Auchencorth Moss

Open Street Map: 55.792424,-3.243124

Auchencorth Moss is a site located on 7 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Heathland and shrub MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD77: Eskdalemuir

Open Street Map: 55.315394,-3.206564

Eskdalemuir is a site located on 6 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD78: Forsinard RSPB

Open Street Map: 58.359864,-3.893496

Forsinard RSPB is a site located on 6 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD79: High Muffles

Open Street Map: 54.334444,-0.808772

High Muffles is a site located on 6 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Heathland and shrub MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD80: Lough Navar

Open Street Map: 54.4367383,-7.8928017

Lough Navar is a site located on 5 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Heathland and shrub MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD81: Strathvaich Dam

Open Street Map: 57.7345401,-4.775811

Strathvaich Dam is a site located on 6 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD82: Stoke Ferry

Open Street Map: 52.559983,0.506266

Stoke Ferry is a site located on 5 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD83: Balquhidder

Open Street Map: 56.356229,-4.356985

Balquhidder is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD84: Bannisdale

Open Street Map: 54.431308,-2.748991

Bannisdale is a site located on 4 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD85: Flatford Mill

Open Street Map: 51.956188,1.026672

Flatford Mill is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Wetlands MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD86: Loch Dee

Open Street Map: 55.070701,-4.399182

Loch Dee is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD87: Percy’s Cross

Open Street Map: 55.235677,-2.186631

Percy’s Cross is a site located on 4 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD88: Pumlumon

Open Street Map: 52.453743,-3.731657

Pumlumon is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD89: Tycanol Wood

Open Street Map: 51.993737,-4.778877

Tycanol Wood is a site located on 5 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD90: Ulceby Cross (Driby2)

Open Street Map: 53.24806,0.081391

Ulceby Cross (Driby2) is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD91: Whiteadder

Open Street Map: 55.860033,-2.541875

Whiteadder is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD92: Crai Reservoir

Open Street Map: 51.88447,-3.625484

Crai Reservoir is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Rivers and lakes MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD93: Preston Montford

Open Street Map: 52.72448,-2.8417

Preston Montford is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD94: Ystradffin

Open Street Map: 52.109197,-3.771864

Ystradffin is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD95: Bush / Bush Estate

Open Street Map: 55.863163,-3.209827

Bush / Bush Estate is a site located on 6 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD96: Caenby

Open Street Map: 53.397871,-0.507355

Caenby is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD97: Carradale

Open Street Map: 55.582519,-5.496231

Carradale is a site located on 5 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD98: Cwmystwyth

Open Street Map: 52.35252,-3.805145

Cwmystwyth is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD99: Detling

Open Street Map: 51.307969,0.582668

Detling is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD100: Ladybower

Open Street Map: 53.40337,-1.752006

Ladybower is a site located on 4 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD101: Lagganlia

Open Street Map: 57.110957,-3.892061

Lagganlia is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Urban MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD102: Narberth

Open Street Map: 51.7814914,-4.6883114

Narberth is a site located on 4 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD103: Plas Y Brenin

Open Street Map: 53.101798,-3.917932

Plas Y Brenin is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Urban MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD104: Rosemaund

Open Street Map: 52.121398,-2.636255

Rosemaund is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD105: Sutton Bonington

Open Street Map: 52.836554,-1.251203

Sutton Bonington is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD106: Auchincruive

Open Street Map: 55.477348,-4.564505

Auchincruive is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Urban MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD107: Bedingfield

Open Street Map: 52.270506,1.183947

Bedingfield is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD108: Bickerton HIll

Open Street Map: 53.06829,-2.74855

Bickerton HIll is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD109: Brompton

Open Street Map: 54.383659,-1.401785

Brompton is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD110: Brown Moss 2

Open Street Map: 52.94674,-2.65242

Brown Moss 2 is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD111: Cardigan

Open Street Map: 52.074405,-4.644893

Cardigan is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Urban MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD112: Carlisle

Open Street Map: 54.889959,-2.830542

Carlisle is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD113: Castle Cary

Open Street Map: 51.084714,-2.560684

Castle Cary is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD114: Coleraine

Open Street Map: 55.028669,-6.61969

Coleraine is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD115: Drayton 3

Open Street Map: 52.193243,-1.758884

Drayton 3 is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD116: Dunwich Heath

Open Street Map: 52.2551,1.61834

Dunwich Heath is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Heathland and shrub MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD117: Fressingfield

Open Street Map: 52.333955,1.313997

Fressingfield is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD118: Glenshee Hotel

Open Street Map: 56.811753,-3.457544

Glenshee Hotel is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Urban MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD119: Inverpolly

Open Street Map: 58.031381,-5.072214

Inverpolly is a site located on 1 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Heathland and shrub MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD120: Llynclys Common

Open Street Map: 52.805607,-3.077145

Llynclys Common is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD121: Loch Awe

Open Street Map: 56.253704,-5.286369

Loch Awe is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD122: London Cromwell Road 2

Open Street Map: 51.495628,-0.1789666

London Cromwell Road 2 is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Urban MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD123: Lyulphs Tower

Open Street Map: 54.573188,-2.927113

Lyulphs Tower is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD124: Myerscough

Open Street Map: 53.852242,-2.766765

Myerscough is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD125: Oldmeldrum

Open Street Map: 57.336296,-2.280387

Oldmeldrum is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Woodland and forest MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD126: Pointon

Open Street Map: 52.866914,-0.325915

Pointon is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD127: Redgrave and Lopham Fens

Open Street Map: 52.382053,1.015275

Redgrave and Lopham Fens is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD128: Sibton

Open Street Map: 52.2944,1.463497

Sibton is a site located on 3 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Cropland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks:

NECD129: Tadcaster

Open Street Map: 53.891121,-1.275557

Tadcaster is a site located on 2 of the APIENs networks and is suitated in a Grassland MAES habitat class.

List of APIENs networks: