N deposition :: Killarney fern

Latin name: 
Trichomanes speciosum

Impact Type: Deposition of pollutant

Key Concerns:

Killarny fern (Trichomanes speciosum) is a rare filmy fern listed in the UKBAP that occurs on damp shaded rocks in the splash zones of waterfalls. It is thought that they are likely to be sensitive to nitrogen deposition. However, there is no published research on the effect of air pollution on Trichomanes sp, so it is uncertain how this fern compares in sensitivity to bryophytes. As a first approximation, a similar sensitivity might be assumed.

Additional Comments:

There is no published research on the impact of pollution on this group of species. Other factors leading to water eutrophication would also have a negative effect on this species. 

Critical Load/level: 
Critical Load/ Level

No comparable habitat with established critical load estimate available

Species group: