APIS Bibliography

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Bealey WJ, Long S, Spurgeon DJ, Leith I, Cape JN. Review and implementation study of biomonitoring for assessment of air quality outcomes. Bristol: Environment Agency; 2008 p. 170pp.
Hall RJ, Emmett B, Garbutt A, Jones L, Rowe E, Sheppard L, Vanguelova E, Pitman R, Britton A, Hester A, et al. UK Status Report July 2011: Update to empirical critical loads of nitrogen.; 2011 p. 55pp.
Gompertz D, Shuker D, Toniolo P, Shuker L, Bingham S, Calow P, Coggon D, King N, McMichael A, Walker C. The use of biomarkers in environmental exposure assessment. Leicester: Institute for Environment and Health; 1996 p. 114 pp.
Gompertz D, Shuker D, Toniolo P, Shuker L, Bingham S, Calow P, Coggon D, King N, McMichael A, Walker C. The use of biomarkers in environmental exposure assessment. Leicester: Institute for Environment and Health; 1996 p. 114 pp.
Long S, Lister L, Hankard P, Rothery P, Ainsworth G, Rowland P, Walker L, Wright J, Turk T, Bealey B, et al. The use of biomonitoring tools to detect ecosystem response following exposure to contaminants emitted from a regulated industrial source. Bristol: Environment Agency; 2008.
Lallemant R, Joslain H, Houssay I, Cyprien A-L. The use of lichens for estimating ammonia air pollution in Western France. . , Universiti de Nantes; 1996.
Cunha A, Power SA, Ashmore MR, Green PRS, Haworth BJ, Bobbink R. Whole ecosystem N manipulation: An updated review. JNCC; 2002.
