APIS Bibliography

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Haines-Young RH, Barr CJ, Black HIG, Briggs DJ, Bunce RGH, Clarke RT, Cooper A, Dawson FH, Firbanks LG, Fuller RM, et al. Accounting for nature: assessing habitats in the UK countryside. London: DETR; 2000.
of the Environment D. Acid Rain - Critical and Target Load Maps for the United Kingdom. London: Department of the Environment Air Quality Division; 1991.
Colls J. Air pollution an introduction. 1st ed.st ed. London: E & FN Spon; 1997 p. 341 pages.
DOE . Air Pollution and Tree Health in the United Kingdom.; 1993.
McNeill S, Whittaker JB, Watt (E)AW, Leather (E)SR. Air pollution and tree-dwelling aphids. Population Dynamics of Forest Insects. Andover: Intercept ; 1990 pp. 195-208.
Preston CD, Croft JM. Aquatic Plants in Britain and Ireland. Colechester: Harley Books; 1997 p. 365.
Perring FH, Walters (E)SM. Atlas of the British Flora. Botanical Society of the British Isles. 2ndnd ed. Wakefield: EP Publishing; 1976.
Seaward MRD, Hitch (E)CJB. Atlas of the lichens of the British Isles. Cambridge: ITE; 1982.
Sutton MA, Reis S, Baker SMH. Atmospheric Ammonia - Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Springer eBooks; 2009.
Miramand P, Fowler S. Bioaccumulation and transfer of vanadium in marine organisms. New York: John Wiley and Sons; 1998 pp. 167-197.
Mason CF. Biology of Freshwater Pollution. Harlow: Longman; 1996.
Glime JM. Bryophyte Ecology, Vol. 1. Physiological Ecology. Michigan Technological University and the International Association of Bryologists; 2007. Available from: www.bryoecol.mtu.edu
Bates JW, Farmer (E)AM. Bryophytes and Lichens in a Changing Environment. Oxford: Clarendon Press; 1992.
Greven HC. Changes in the Duch bryophyte flora and air pollution. Berlin: J. Cramer; 1992.
Hannam RJ, Ohki K. Detection of manganese deficiency and toxicity in plants. Manganese in soils and plants. Dordrecht: Kluwer Publishers; 1988 pp. 243-259.
Reisenauer HM. Determination of plant-available soil manganese. Dordrecht: Kluwer Publishers; 1988 pp. 87-98.
Loneragan JF. Distribution and movement of manganese in plants. Dordrecht: Kluwer Publishers; 1988 pp. 113-124.
Packham JR, Willis AJ. Ecology of dunes, salt marsh and shingle. London: Chapman and Hall; 1997.
Gimingham CH. Ecology of Heathlands. London: Chapman & Hall; 1972.
Thompson DBA, Baddeley JA, Woodin (E)SJ, Farmer (E)AM. The effects of acid deposition on nature conservation in Great Britain. Peterborough: Nature Conservancy Council; 1991 pp. 17-28.
Long SP, Naidu SL. Effects of oxidants at the biochemical, cell, and physiological levels, with particular reference to ozone. (Bell JNB, Treshow M). John Wiley and Sons Ltd.; 2002 pp. pp 69-88.
Ashmore MR. Effects of oxidants at the whole plant and community level. (Bell JNB, Treshow M). John Wiley and Sons Ltd.; 2002 pp. pp 89-118.
Jones CG, Coleman JS, Findlay S, Alsher (E)RG, Wellburn AR. Effects of ozone on interactions between plants, consumers and decomposers. London: Chapman & Hall; 1994 pp. 339-363.
Bilderback DE, Carlson CE. Effects of Persistent Volcanic Ash on Douglas-fir in Northern Idaho . Ogden, Utah: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station; 1987.
Hill MO, Mountford JO, Roy DB, Bunce RGH. Ellenberg's indicator values for British plants: ECOFACT volume 2 technical annex. HMSO; 1999.
