Update Log

Update date Update item Update Typesort descending Notes Link
22/02/2013 Ambient Air Quality Directives overview

new text throughout

14/10/2014 Acid Deposition overview

Reviewed and Updated

14/10/2014 Ammonia overview

Reviewed and Updated

14/10/2014 Methane overview

Reviewed and Updated

14/10/2014 Nitrogen deposition overview

Reviewed and Updated. Cross referernces to acid deposition record.

22/02/2013 European Commission Air Quality Thematic Strategy overview
14/10/2014 Ozone overview

Reviewed and Updated

22/02/2013 Local Air Quality Management overview

small changes in text

29/08/2014 Impacts of Air Pollution on Ecosystem Services overview

New overview

22/02/2013 The Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) overview

link updates

12/02/2014 Impacts of air pollution on Lichens and Bryophytes overview

New overview

22/02/2013 The Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) overview

new overview record

12/02/2014 Dusts overview

Reviewed and Updated

22/02/2013 The Environmental Permitting Regulations (EPR) overview

revised links

16/09/2014 Halogens overview

Reviewed and Updated

22/02/2013 The Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC overview

revised text

27/05/2020 Legislation pages overview

There were several legislation pages and all of them have been replaced with one legislation page. In the new legislation page there are links were users can find more information about legislation in the four UK countries and other useful information links.

31/12/2014 Heavy Metals overview

Reviewed and Updated

09/10/2014 Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) overview

Reviewed and Updated

22/02/2013 Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC) (WID) overview

revised text

23/09/2014 Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) overview

Reviewed and Updated

22/02/2013 UK Biodiversity Framework overview

new overview record

14/10/2014 Sulphur Dioxide overview

Reviewed and Updated

22/02/2013 Convention on Biological Diversity overview

new text on 2010 Conference of the Parties

22/02/2013 The National Emission Ceilings Directive 2001/81/EC overview

updated text

09/10/2014 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) overview

Reviewed and Updated

22/02/2013 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution overview

revised text
