Ozone (O3)

O3 :: Common Hair Cap Moss

Impact Type: Direct exposure to pollutant

Key Concerns:

Polytrichum commune may be susceptible to damage by O3 in winter (Potter et al 1996b), if the exposure continues for more than four days (Lee et al. 1998). Potter et al. (1996b) observed no tissue death or visible damage, but there was significant reduction in growth and photosynthesis during winter O3 exposure (150 ppb).

O3 :: Aphids

Impact Type: Direct exposure to pollutant

Key Concerns:

Bolsinger et al. (1992) found that aphids feeding on plants exposed to ozone show increased rate of growth and development. They link this to enhanced food quality and changes in amino acids in the plants, due to ozone stress. The benefits to Aphis imply that there are larger negative effects on the host plants (Bell et al. 1993).


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