Welcome to the UK Air Pollution Information System (APIS). Air pollution is one of the major environmental issues in the UK, with impacts occurring at local, regional and global scales. Much is known about the impacts on natural heritage features, with major steps already being taken in the development of abatement strategies both at national and international levels. It is clear, however, that there are still major gaps in the scientific understanding. This site provides a searchable database and information on pollutants and their impacts on habitats and species.

Air Pollution Information System

Latest news

APIENs Workshop – 8th December from 10:00 to 12:00

The purpose of UK APIENs (Air Pollution Impacts on Ecosystem Networks) is to monitor and report the negative impacts of air pollution (e.g. acidification, eutrophication, ozone damage or changes in biodiversity) on ecosystems that are representative of freshwater, natural and semi-natural habitats and forests in the UK.

APIS new mapping interface live

APIS have brought together the Site Relevant Critical Loads data and Search by location into one GIS mapping interface. This is now live and available here! We are still running the simple site look-up and location search pages until the GIS tool 'beds in'.

We welcome any issues, bugs, comments or suggestions that you may have about the new APIS interface, you can suggest your changes or report any problems and select the option "APIS map tool bugs & issues".

If you wish to see a tutorial on how best to use the new mapping interface please follow this link.
